Chrysteen Braun is a native Californian, born and raised in Long Beach. She wrote her first novel when she was twelve, and while she can’t recall what it was about, she always thought she could become a writer.
When she was eighteen, she worked for Capital Records in Hollywood, ordering all the Beatles Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album covers, and after reading the words to the song, "Lucy in the sky with diamonds..." said “This will never sell.” Obviously, a musical career was not on the horizon.
When she couldn’t decide what she wanted to pursue as a career, she went to work for her family’s construction business. Almost fifty years later, as a licensed flooring and general contractor, she and her husband Larry retired from remodeling and interior design, leaving their business to their daughter to carry on as Chrysteen’s parents had so many years before.

In the early 1980’s Chrysteen wanted to write, and joined an Orange County, Ca. writer’s group with then unknown author Elizabeth George, and wrote another novel but tucked it away when business and family life took over. She did however, not totally abandon her writing interest as she published numerous articles about remodeling and interior design in her local newspapers. Now that she’s retired, she’s reinvented herself and started writing again.
She's a member of SCWA, (Southern California Writers Association,) and OC Romance Writers.
They have a second home in Lake Arrowhead, California, where Chrysteen opened a home decor store, aptly called At The Cabin. The mountains have been the inspiration for her “Cabin” novels.
Chrysteen currently lives in Coto de Caza, Ca., (near Mission Viejo) with her husband Larry, "who is the wind beneath my wings."